Born To Try
I got this lyric of "Born To Try", a Delta Goodrem song, from a friend. This song seems answered what I was searching deep inside my heart. This morning my mind was blurred. I was regretting what happened three days ago and in the same time also was thinking about my future. This month, December, just started, but it really taking me to somewhere I've never been before. It's not about a place but about myself. I have to admit that I'm not usually open myself to people I haven't meet or seen in real. Thanks to you all bloggerians and my chat friends. I'm not going to regret it now, 'cos I have decided to be what I should be, myself. I'll try to open myself little by little. I'll also try to achieve my goal that I dreamed when I was in my final year in high school. I'll try because I was born to try. For now, I want to listen to this song again and again...
"Born To Try"
Doing everything that I believe in Going by the rules that I've been taught More understanding of what's around me And protected from the walls of love All that you see is me And all I truly believe That I was born to try I've learned to love Be understanding And believe in life But you've got to make choices Be wrong or right Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like But I was born to try No point in talking what you should have been And regretting the things that went on Life's full of mistakes, destinies and fate Remove the clouds look at the bigger picture And all that you see is me And all I truly believe That I was born to try I've learned to love Be understanding And believe in life But you've got to make choices Be wrong or right Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like But I was born to try All that you see is me All I truly believe All that you see is me And all I truly believe That I was born to try I've learned to love Be understanding And believe in life But you've got to make choices Be wrong or right Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like But I was born to try But you've got to make choices Be wrong or right Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like But I was born to try
Written by: Lili Thursday, 4 December 2003
I Got My PR ! I got a call from my immigration agent this morning, waktu sedang menatap logo disebelah kiri ini, di blogg Adjie. My agent said that I got my Permanent Residency Visa. It was approved on 1 December 2003. Wooow... one of my Christmas Wishes
comes true. Actually, dari bulan November aku ungkapin sama temen chat kalo aku ada 2 christmas wishes. Soalnya waktu itu aku masi bingung soal PR yang belum keluar-keluar. Dia bilang tenang aja, PR akan segera keluar dan bergurau dengan bilang kalau aku bakal dapet 3 wishes aku. Actually, ada satu lagi wish yang aku pikirin saat itu, tapi buat sementara aku pikir
2 wishes are enough considering my situation, so aku ngga bilang ke dia. Sebenarnya dalem hati aku pingin tiga-tiganya terwujud. So, today aku ketemu sama agen dan ambil surat terakhir imigrasi yang mengatakan kalo PR aku sudah di approved. Praise God...!
Written by: Lili Wednesday, 3 December 2003
Learner Driver License actually...

I got my Learner ("L") Driver License today after passed the theoritical exam
. It was quite easy because RTA (Road and Traffic Authority) gives everyone opportunities to take the demo test online and it got the same questions, multiple choices and answer. When I was there, the staffs were quite helpful
. I was served by an older woman. She was quite kind and helpful. I finished the 45 multiple choices in 10 minutes because the demo and the the test are similar. I got all questions answered and it was 100% correct.. hurrraahh...
I spend just one hour less in RTA office to get the test and my new L Driver License. Wow.. what a service ! After that I have to pay for a Learner Driver Log Book to record my driver experiences. I need a minimum 50 hours drive experience in 6 months. It must be 6 months before taking a DART (Driving Ability Road Test) to obtain a red P (Provisional) Driver License. Why I need all of this test? Because I don't have an Indonesian class "A" driver license for car. I have an Indonesian class "C" driver license, that's for motorbike. Eh.... Kenapa yah temen-temen aku yang di Wollongong ngga percaya waktu aku bilang aku biasa bawa sepeda motor di Indo? How come they said that it's dangerous?
Written by: Lili Tuesday, 2 December 2003
Apakah Perbedaannya ?Ada permainan menarik di website Love Under Cover . Dalam permainan ini kita diminta meng-klik gambar yang tidak sama atau yang tidak ada di gambar sebelah kanan dan sebaliknya. Pertama-tama kali main bisa membuat penasaran
, tapi kalau sudah biasa asyik jadinya. Totalnya ada 21 level, selamat main
Written by: Lili Friday, 28 November 2003
Straw Flower and Children Education Program
Ini gambar bunga
dari sedotan yang dikirim Koko dari Indo. Bunganya katanya dari sedotan yang dipotong dan dibikin membentuk bunga teratai. Ada beberapa macam bunga sedotan ini, tapi karena Papa senang teratai, jadi deh yang dibeli yang teratai. Ada siaran TV Aussie, Cheez TV, untuk anak-anak yang tempo hari aku tonton. Siaran ini selain menayangkan kartun juga menayangkan educational program dari Planet Ark, World Vision, dan sejumlah sponsor lain. Di salah satu siaran dijelaskan tentang alur aliran air tanaman yang mengambil air dari akar atau batang (untuk bunga potong). Caranya dengan merendam dahan bunga potong, dalam acara ini bunganya bunga Carnation yang berwarna putih, di pot yang berisi air yang sudah dikasi pewarna. Pewarna bisa warna merah atau biru atau ungu. Air yang diberi pewarna ini dapat menunjukkan alur air yang diisap dahan bunga tersebut dari bawah ke atas sampai mahkota bunga. Bila airnya sudah mencapai mahkota bunga, bunga yang tadinya berwarna putih akan berubah warna menurut pewarna tadi (di acara bunganya berwarna merah dan biru). Di lain acara di tunjukkan cara kerja mesin cuci memeras air dari kain. Percobaannya dengan membuat setengah botol plastik berlubang-lubang yang di beri tali dan digantung. Botol tersebut kemudian diisi kain basah dan diputar, air yang ada di kain pun beterbangan keluar lewat lubang-lubang tersebut. Dengan kekuatan yang lebih besar alias menggunakan motor, kain basah di dalam mesin cuci bisa diperas sampai agak kering. Acara ini menarik karena menunjukkan ke anak-anak bagaimana cara-cara kerja alam dan sekitarnya dengan cara sederhana. Acara ini bisa membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu anak dan mengundang kreativitas mereka. Apakah di Indo sudah ada ngga acara seperti ini ?
Written by: Lili Thursday, 27 November 2003
Warna Rambut Penelope CruzIni iklan Ralph Lauren yang dibintangi Penelope Cruz. Klik di gambar untuk liat versi besarnya. Aku suka sama warna rambut Penelope Cruz di iklannya, yang berwarna coklatnya Chocolate .
Will it look good at my hair
Written by: Lili Monday, 24 November 2003
Glofish
Berita dari Kompas, ada ikan zebra (Brachydanio rerio) yang di rekayasa genetik dengan ditambahkan gen dari ubur-ubur. Nama lain ikan ini adalah Glofish, dikembangkan oleh National University of Singapore. Ikan ini aslinya berwarna perak dengan garis2 hitam, namun dengan rekayasa genetik jadi berwarna merah dan hijau. Ikan tropis rekayasa genetik ini dikembangkan sebagai detektor untuk melacak racun-racun di alam (dalam hal ini air laut). Ikan ini dirancang agar bercahaya bila berada di lingkungan yang tidak sehat atau beracun. Ikan ini, walaupun kelihatannya mempunyai dua warna, dikatakan memiliki lima warna yang berbeda-beda
. Warna yang berbeda-beda ini akan bersinar menurut bahan polutan yang ada di sekelilingnya. Ada yang berminat dengan ikan ini
Written by: Lili Friday, 21 November 2003
Senses and Butyric Acid Tahukah anda bahwa penglihatan, penciuman, perasa dan perabaan seringkali menipu anda? Coba deh ikutin tes Senses ini
. Selagi mencoba2 kuis tentang Indera atau Senses tadi, ada pertanyaan soal butyric acid yang menarik.
Menurut website Epicurious, butyric acid atau asam butirat adalah asam alami bebas yang umumnya dapat ditemukan di dalam mentega (butter) ketika mentega berubah menjadi asam karena terhidrolisis. Asam butirat ini membuat mentega berbau khas yang membedakannya dari margarin. Nama butyric acid berasal dari bahasa Latin, butyrum yang berarti butter atau mentega. Asam butirat juga dapat ditemukan di keju yang lama proses fermentasinya (strong cheese). Struktur organik butyric acid adalah CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CO 2 H. Asam butirat juga di pakai sebagai perasa buatan di berbagai produk2 makanan buat rasa mentega dan for that distinct smell. Asam butirat ini berbau seperti bau vomit atau muntahan. Umumnya juga dapat ditemukan dalam muntahan
dan keringat di kaki, kata American Scientist Org. Asam butirat sering kali digunakan sebagai prank dengan menyemprotkannya ke suatu lokasi atau ruangan dan orang yang menciumnya bisa merasa mual dan bila menciumnya berlebihan harus dirawat di rumah sakit
. Hal ini dikarenakan indera penciuman kita membawa pesan ke otak dan otak secara otomatis memberi gambaran yang berhubungan dengan muntahan atau vomit dan mengakibatkan tubuh kita otomatis bereaksi dengan bau asam butirat tersebut.
Written by: Lili Wednesday, 19 November 2003
Flash Mob It is a bird... no, it's a plane... no, it is a superman, no... huh? No again? It's not a Hero
either... then? It's a new trend to get people gathering and doing some stupid things
then left suddenly like nothing had happened
. Maybe you all have heard about this new trend.... Flash Mob. The Flash Mob started this year in May in NYC by a shadowy man, named Bill. He gathered people in an appointed place then giving information where and what to do. It then get a big popularity faster in several countries including in Australia. The photo above was taken in Melbourne. Here some Flash Mob news around the world:
- On the steps of Flinders Street Station on 21 August 2003 at exactly 5.24pm about 100 people, each wearing a yellow glove, pointed skywards. Commuters looked puzzled and looked into the sky where people were pointing. There were several photographers at the event. A minute later the yellow gloves vanished and people melted away into the crowds of commuters and pedestrians, into the station or down the street.
- About 130 Sydneysiders barked at a statue of Queen Victoria's dog just in front of Queen Victoria Buliding in Sydney.
- About 200 Kiwis (New Zealand people) mooed like a cows in MacDonald restaurant in NZ.
- About 300 New Yorkers scream at the foot of a toy dinosaur.
- About 200 Montrealers (one of a town in Canada) quack en masse and toss rubber ducks into a water fountain at Place des Arts.
- about 300 Romans ask for imaginary titles (they make up a false title) at a bookshop.
Is that all dangerous? I don't think so, some people view it as funny and interesting event (including myself), while others critised that could lead to chaos because you don't know who all of them.Yes, it is a group of people who don't know each other and was gathered using internet or e-mails. All of the action the mob performed always shared just minute before the action and it last only in several minutes before they all dispersed quickly. For example, the Melbourne flash mob was informed by SMS text:
"SMS instructions were sent to mobbers before the final location was revealed: "Go FlindersSt Stn steps @5.24(by digital clk above right most ticket booth) wear glove, point towards sky with curious look. Stand in silence. @5.25 disperse."
What do you think about this Flash Mob trend ?
Written by: Lili Thursday, 13 November 2003
Tiger Cubs I just read a stupid
and funny story about a man, Antonio Yates. The story from NY1 News stated that he had two tigers, a caiman, some bear cubs, two rottweilers, rabbit, and a tarantula, all together in his New York City apartment. One of the tiger weighed about 400-pound (more than 100 kilos). No, it's not a zoo, it is in his APARTMENT, yes... imagine it. It all were found out on 6 October this year when Antonio Yates was transferred into a hospital claiming that he was bitten by a pitt bull. However the doctor could not believe him and curious about the bite size. The doctor know from the bite size that it could be a tiger, then the doctor reported it to the police.
Mr. Yates keep one of the tiger in his bathroom and another one, named Ming, in his room. It was when Yates tried to stop Ming from attacking a kitten that was skittered in his room, the tiger bite Yates' leg instead and landed on top of him. He was rushed into hospital and claimed was bitten by a pitt bull. After everything was found out by officials, Yates ran out from the hospital and then was arrested in Philadelphia. He was charged under reckless endangerment, stated The Gothamist.
Reading that stories, I remember when I was in Jakarta, I was in a school holiday and was still studying in elementary school (SD) in Solo, when I spotted a very cute kittens that was sold not far from Hotel City. I told my dad that I want one of the yellow and black kitten. My little brother also want the kitten too, so my dad called Garuda information to asked about how to bring a kitten on the plane, as we all would fly by the plane to go back home tomorrow. After that we strolled down again to find the kitty seller. Then my dad asked them:
Dad: "Kucingnya dijual berapa?"
Seller: "Kucing? Ini macan..."
Dad, me, my brothers, and mom: *speechless......*
Written by: Lili Wednesday, 12 November 2003
Striped Top For Doggie
Hey, do you all remember my Striped Organza on 24 October posting? Yah, ini si Striped Top khusus buat doggie
Ayo siapa mau beliin si doggie nih... Omong2 soal doggie, waktu tadi pasang leash, si doggie nakal banget, gigit2 tanganku
dan leash-nya dia. Lantas aku omel-omelin sambil pegang muka dia, eh dia buka mulut dan huaaaaaaa
bau napasnya.... ngga tahan deh. Gue jadi pingin gosok gigi
si doggie. The pet’s chewing habits may be contributing to the halitosis. Some dogs will chew on rocks and sticks, causing repetitive trauma to the oral tissues.
When this happens, bacterial colonization occurs, resulting in a foul odor. Hmmm... si doggie emang suka gigit2 apa aja yang ada di dekatnya termasuk bone
from rawhide yang sering dikasi sepupuku. Rawhide aja ternyata ngga cukup, tapi butuh makanan special lain buat "rawat" gigi si doggie.
Eh selagi asyik browsing2 aku ketemu foto ini,
Anti Bark
Mungkin doggie perlu ini juga biar ngga bark terus2an. Alat ini untuk melatih doggie jadi ga bikin ribut ama doggie2 tetangga dan orang2 yang lewat. Kadang ada
anak2 melewati doggie dengan ngebut naik sepeda, eh si doggie gonggong2. Gonggongannya kan keras dan nyakitin telinga, kasihan tuh anak sampai kaget2.
Si doggie sudah diajari untuk dengar kata "No", tapi ini doggie karena pernah kabur dua minggu jadi suka seenaknya sendiri, ngga mau patuh walaupun dah dilatih
pakai makanan n special treat. Susah ngelatih doggie yang pernah kabur dan ngerasain kebebasan
Written by: Lili Thursday, 6 November 2003
I was wondering and seem my body wants to break from this all
It was so boring to waiting for something
that you don't know when it is going to come over
I want to choose the easy path, where I don't have to wait and wait
again and over again. I was so tired last weekend and seem it was going to exploded
Then a friend gave me this song
"Still" from Hillsong album "Hope". I was thinking it over and over, could I wait a bit longer?
I know He won't do this to me without any reason.
Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand
When the ocean rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust
Written by: Lili Monday, 3 November 2003