Tadinya cuma mau nonton firework dari TV di rumah, tapi ada teman kuliah yang di Wollongong ngajak keluar liat firework
secara live di Sydney Opera House. Jadilah kita janjian ketemu tanggal 31 Desember waktu sore. Dia ngajak makan si Sushi
Train di Town Hall. Ternyata Sushi Train lagi diskon jadi cuma bayar AU$2.50 per plate
Satu plate berisi 2-3 potong sushi.
Kita makan takoyaki, shark fin, eel, salmon, avocado, roe eggs, tuna, and vegetarian sushi. Sehabis makan kita berdua
jalan kaki ke Circular Quay sambil liat-liat orang-orang yang jalan ke Circular Quay juga. Aku sempat memfoto a group
of people walking toward Circular Quay. Nanti bakal dicuci cetak dan dimuat di blogg kalo gambarnya bagus.
Sesampai di Circular Quay jam 8 pm tepat. Jam 8 pm stasiun circular quay ditutup buat menghindari membludaknya orang-orang
yang naik train. Sayangnya pas ke bagian entrance, petugasnya bilang sudah penuh dan bagi yang tidak mempunyai pass
dilarang masuk. Aku dan temanku nonton firework jam 9 pm di dekat ferry wharf nomer 1, facing the Sydney Harbour
Bridge, fotonya dari web Sydney Mate. Tapi tetep aja ketutup kepala-kepala
Sesudah firework jam 9 habis,
aku dan temanku langsung jalan ke entrance tapi karena dibilang disuruh nunggu jadi aku tarik temanku ke entrance yang ada
mejanya, setelah nunggu 30 menitan disitu, dia mulai ngga sabar dan bilang percuma antri, mending ke park di The Rock.
Aku bilang kita coba dulu kalo ngga bisa barulah ke The Rock, tapi dia tetap ngotot mau cabut dari antrian. Setelah keluar
dari antrian dan ngobrol di dekat situ sekitar 3 menit, tiba-tiba si polisi membuka antrian yang ada mejanya dan semua
masuk, lalu ditutup lagi. Jadi sebel
kalo saja temen gue mau nunggu lamaan dikit sudah bisa masuk kita. Jadi aku ajak temenku ke antrian yang ada meja yang
kali ini di set up sama security dan polisi. Setelah nunggu sisa-sisa orang yang pulang, kira-kira 10 menitan, kita
diijinkan masuk tapi orang-orang pada desak-desakan. Yang ngagetin aku pas lagi desak-desakan masuk, tiba-tiba ada tangan
kecil dari sebelah kiri nemplok di daguku
Pas noleh ternyata bayi bule yang lagi digendong mamanya dan kira-kira berumur 6 bulan, selagi desak-desakan maju tangan
si baby masi nemplok di mukaku
Lepas dari antrian rasanya lega dan di jalanan ke Sydney Opera House masih banyak tempat kosongnya. Dari Circular Quay
kalo jalan ke Sydney Opera House kira-kira cuma 2 menitan. Karena masih ada sekitar 2 jam, aku sempatin beli es krim dan
temanku beli Toohey New (beer) di dekat bar. Kita ngobrol-ngobrol lalu memilih spot dekat air mancur karena dari sini ke
Sydney Opera House adalah tempat yang harus pakai booking dan bayar. Aku sempat mengambil beberapa foto firework-nya, hope
it will look good. Dilihat dari dekat dan dari bawah ke atas, fire-worknya kelihatan kecil, padahal waktu liat di TV
kelihatan firework-nya besar sekali.
Written by: Lili Wednesday, 31 December 2003
Buat yang belum nonton be careful, SPOILER !
It's movie time !!!
Nonton film LOTR 3 hari ini dan terkesan
dengan akting tokoh-tokohnya.
Arwen's choice of her mortal fate, Aragorn's
braveness to face his fate, Legolas' swift movement when he killed Mumakil (the giant elephant), Sam's loyalty and
courage for Frodo, Mery's will to fight in the battle, and especially Eowyn's passion to join and fight in the war along
with her Kings (uncle) and bother. It was Eowyn that gave courage and trained Mery to fight in the battle, she even
helped him to join in the battle when the King reject Mery's will to join the battle. Eowyn who is called the Shieldmaiden
of Rohan was trained with sword and shield.
What mesmerized me
was when Eowyn takes her courage to be ready for a fight and scream into the battle together with
the soldiers, her King, and her brother.
It was Eowyn who slayed the flying beast that was ridden by the Witch King. Even she was shivering, she tried hard to
protect the King (her uncle) and fight the Witch King then succeed to kill him just with an ordinary sword. It was
Eowyn's act of courage that killed the Witch King.
When I tried to describe the word courage in my Thesaurus Dictionary, I found out that
courage can be ability to control fear, bravery, boldness, daring, spirited, gutsy, valiant, etc. It is good
when everyone can have this feeling for the right time and right place. Courage doesn't mean a stubborn or foolish
act nor does it mean to be an ignorant person. "Courage" feel right or morally good when it also vibrating courage
to other people.
Be couraged all, in the coming year....
Written by: Lili Tuesday, 30 December 2003
A friend gave me this song when I asked him why don't we celebrate His birth rather than celebrate the Christmas tree, gifts,
and santa. This song is beautifully written by David Meece and Dwight Liles. I am happy to celebrate Jesus' birth and God's
love rather than expecting a gift, because God's love is a great gift for me. Here is the lyric:
We Are The ReasonAs little children we would dream of Christmas morn And all the gifts and toys we knew we'd find But we never realized a baby born one blessed night Gave us the greatest gift of our lives CHORUS And we were the reason that He gave His life We were the reason that He suffered and died To a world that was lost He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live As the years went by we learned more about gifts And giving of ourselves and what that means On a dark and cloudy day a man hung crying in the rain Because of love, because of love CHORUS And we are the reason that He gave His life We are the reason that He suffered and died To a world that was lost He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live BRIDGE I finally found the reason for living It's in giving every part of my heart to Him In all that I do every word that I say I'll be giving my all just for Him For Him CHORUS And we are the reason that He gave His life We are the reason that He suffered and died To a world that was lost He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live He is my reason to live.
Written by: Lili Thursday, 25 December 2003
Written by: Lili Thursday, 25 December 2003
Tempat shopping centres di Sydney penuh semua, banyak orang shopping
buat last minute. Termasuk di Westfield's shopping centre di dekat rumah aunty. Setelah muter-muter, beli baju di
Colorado warna aqua, dan ambil take-away Gloria's Jeans Coffee,
aku turun lewat eskalator ke lantai dua. Di depan aku ada a mom and her 7-years-old son. Kira-kira 3 steps terakhir,
si anak loncat *bum* mendarat di lantai dekat eskalator dan sedetik kemudian si eskalator berhenti mendadak.
Aku nyaris jatuh ke depan dan coffee aku nyaris tumpah. Pas aku liatin si anak, eh dia ketawa-tawa bangga. Malah dia
bilang ke kakak laki-lakinya yang ternyata berdiri di belakang aku dari tadi, "It is stopped..." with a broad laugh.
Mommy-nya cuma diem aja, walaupun dia tahu eskalatornya mati. Waktu aku liat ke lantai atas ada seorang
kakek yang mau turun pakai eskalator dan dia kelihatan bingung ngeliat eskalatornya mati. Ih.. jadi pingin jitakin si anak
nakal itu
Malamnya ada acara gereja menyanyi-nyanyi bareng Franky Sihombing. Karena ngga pernah beli album n liat dia, jadi aku kira
dia sama dengan penyanyi gospel di Indo yang sudah tua-tua. Begitu masuk baru tahu kalo si Franky kira-kira 30s dan gaya
nyanyi-nya gaya anak-anak muda. Selama 2 jam lebih itu kita nyanyi-nyanyi dan sekali-kali dia bergurau. Salah satu lagu
terakhirnya ada gaya bahasa yang bunyinya kira-kira begini "Rugi lu kalo ga nyanyi... ayo nyanyi.."
Written by: Lili Wednesday, 24 December 2003
I got an article from my brother, it is a chain-mail about
thimerosal and vaccination, though I'm not quite sure about the link between autism and thimerosal in
vaccine. So, yesterday, I was reading Australian Reader's Digest December 2003 and it stated that a recent research by
scientist indicated that there was no significant number that linked vaccination with autism. This means, that the number
of children that had vaccinations (that contains thimerosal) is not linked to the number of children who got autism.
Research from 1999 and this
article from Duke University already
viewed that autism is a complex genetic disorder. Some parents claims that their children show autism's symptoms later
after some vaccinations, however this CPEA article
and Autism Society Americains
stated that autism may be triggered later even if children showing normal development after birth, though the scientist
have not yet identified what may triggered it. Even, an article from
University of Sunderland stated that a
period of regression very often accompanies the onset of autism and that the timing of vaccinations with autism onset is
merely one of the coincidence rather can cause. I'm not a pro-vaccination, however as a science student, I know
the bigger risks that may occur if parents refuse to give vaccinations to their children. No vaccinations means exposing
children into high risk diseases that could be prevented and in turn it can lead to epidemic (Transl: wabah). Remember
the smallpox (Transl: penyakit cacar yg berbahaya, bukan cacar air yg ringan) ? You should read an article about this
from WHO Website. Vaccination did
help reduce the smallpox occurences and in 1980
WHO declared that smallpox had been
eradicated. Also read
To Jab Or Not To Jab that stated
"The press has been full of stories about the link be-tween MMR and autism since a 1998 British study based on just 12 children. No connection has ever been proved, but take-up rates for MMR injections for one-year-olds have dropped to only 75 per cent. This in turn is threatening an epidemic, particularly of measles, which has been known to cause brain damage."
If you are still in doubt please read this FAQ Thimerosal and vaccines article from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in USA. Most importantly, for those that still in doubt, FAQ number 5 can be your answer. It stated that since 1999 a newly formulated thimerosal preservative-free vaccines has been licensed and this will reduce the maximum cumulative exposure of mercury to children. I am writing this article not to encourage you go on vaccination, but to consider whether it is a better choice to not give vaccinations to children. This is because I have a friend who never got a Polio vaccination and she got infected with Polio when she was 12 years old.
Written by: Lili Saturday, 20 December 2003
I got this poem from a friend and I would like to post this for a chat friend who once said that it
doesn't matter whether he was nice to other people or not, 'cos he can live without other people. He said that he doesn't
like being kind to other people if he doesn't feel the need for that. He said that it is his personality, though I know
that it is not true, deep inside he has a kind and a warm personality. It is not a weakness nor it will make other doesn't
respect you. Moreover, do you know, the girl that you once liked said to me that she likes this poem :
It's between You and God
Author: Mother Theresa
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It never was between you and them anyway.
Written by: Lili Monday, 15 December 2003
Waktu lagi baca-baca ebook dari teman, ada cerita dan satu sentence yang menyangkut:
I read about a woman who had recently moved to a small town. She had to go into a local drugstore and was absolutely
appalled by the way she was treated. The pharmacist, who was also the store's owner, was much too slow, she didn't like
the attitude of the clerk, and there were several other problems that frankly ticked her off.
Later that afternoon, she began to complain
to her next-door neighbor about the service she had received in the pharmacy.
The neighbor seemed to be concerned and said, "Listen I know Tom, the pharmacist, really well. Maybe I should talk to him
for you." The woman said, "I wish you would!"
A few days later, she had cause to go into the little drugstore again, and this time everything was totally different.
The pharmacist was pleasant and efficient
, the clerk who was his wife-was friendly
and helpful, and it was a complete contrast to her first visit to the store.
When she got back home she called the neighbor
and told her what had happened. "I guess you talked to him, just like
you said you would."
"I sure did."
"And you really let him have it, huh-told him how unhappy I had been?"
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line. "Well ... no ... not exactly"
"Well, what did you tell him?"
"I told him you were absolutely delighted by the service he gave you. I told him that you loved his little store,
and you planned to be a regular customer."
Well, I'm not sure if the story is true, but I know that the point it illustrates is true.
Positive tactics work much better than negative tactics when it comes to changing behavior.
This positive tactics also applied to all of us, instead got angry and swear that you will never step in again, why don't you smile and asking the pharmacist some or two things about drug that you are going to buy? Beberapa orang bilang kalau apotik atau toko yang ngga laku karena pemiliknya yang ngga ramah itu adalah salah sang pemiliknya sendiri. Tapi bagaimana kalau seandainya kamu sebagai sang pembeli tetap bersikap ramah dan menyebar sikap positif? Sikap positif itu bisa menular, entah ke sang pemilik toko, entah ke pelanggan yang lain, dan yang paling penting sikap positif itu bakal tetap di dalam diri kamu tanpa terpengaruh sikap negatif di sekeliling kamu. Coba bayangkan kalo kamu ke apotik lantas ngga puas lalu cemberut terbawa sampai rumah, otomatis cemberut itu menular ke orang-orang di rumah. Sikap cemberut itu bisa membuat orang-orang rumah jadi menjauh atau tegang karena kuatir kalo mereka berbuat salah.Lain halnya kalau kamu tersenyum pada sang pemilik toko lalu di rumah masi terbungkus sikap positif. Si pemilik toko mungkin mulai menunjukkan rasa senang bila mendapatkan pelanggan seperti kamu-kamu. Juga bila kamu pulang rumah dengan senyum itu akan membuat orang-orang di rumah menjadi santai dan menyapa kamu.
Written by: Lili Sunday, 14 December 2003
Sepasang bebek yang sering nongkrong di kolam renang uncle adalah jenis Pacific Black Duck atau Anas superciliosa
dengan ciri khasnya, bagian warna hijau kilap, di sayapnya dan garis coklat kehitaman dari moncongnya yang melewati matanya
sampai ke belakang kepala. Bebek jenis ini mudah ditemui di sepanjang daratan Australia. Nah sepasang bebek Pacific Black
Duck yang sering nongkrong ini suka dikasi roti sisa atau potongan roti bagian depan dan belakang yang biasanya ngga ada yang
makan. Nah, biasanya si bebek munculnya kadang-kadang dan ngga pasti. Kalau musim winter, setiap pagi mereka nongkrong di
kolam nungguin jatah roti mereka. Makin dekat ke summer, mereka makin berkurang frekuensi nongkrongnya di kolam uncle.
Sejak ada si Harry, the doggie ,
mereka ngga berani keluar kolam atau hanya duduk di tepi kolam dan siap-siap nyebur kolam
kalau Harry mendekat. Si Harry cuma curious
sama kehadiran sepasang bebek yang dari dulu ngga berhasil dia deketin buat
dicium-cium dan diselidiki. Jadi deh aunty, sepupu-sepupu dan aku sering panggilin Harry atau teriakin dia kalau dia
mencoba mendekati sepasang bebek itu. Si Harry suka bingung kalo dipanggilin dan kalo kemudian diacuhkan dia bakal
miring-miringi kepalanya sambil ngeliat ke kita-kita
Satu hal kebiasaan doggie yang membuat aku sebel
adalah kalo aku duduk-duduk di tepi kolam, si doggie naik ke tepi kolam lalu naik ke pangkuan aku dan duduk
Emang dikira kursi kali.
Si doggie emang betah duduk di pangkuan orang lama-lama. Kalo sudah manja banget dia langung loncat-loncat n deketin
orang yang duduk dan plop....
duduk di pangkuan orang. Kalo kucing yang duduk mungkin aku ngga keberatan karena kucing itu
kecil dan ringan, lha ini doggie.... udah gitu baunya
Written by: Lili Thursday, 11 December 2003
Nah ini salah satu kesukaan aku sejak high school, nonton Classic Ballet
Sejak SMP, sejak mendengar dan membaca cerita The Swan Lake, aku mulai tertarik dengan
cerita-cerita ballet. Ada banyak cerita yang menarik seperti Giselle, The Sleeping Beauty, Coppelia, Nutcracker, The
Firebird, dan ballet yang bergaya humor sepeti Don Quixote.
Cerita-cerita ballet berisi pengertian yang dalam, memiliki seni tersendiri dan seperti cerita-cerita dongeng lainnya,
juga berisi fantasi-fantasi. Detail cerita The Swan Lake dapat dibaca di
Ballet Alert! Online.
The Swan Lake memiliki seni tersendiri dan bagi seorang ballerina, merupakan suatu pengakuan akan kemampuannya apabila
dirinya ditunjuk untuk memerankan Odette atau Odille.
Inti cerita The Swan Lake adalah Odette sang Ratu Angsa
, yang dikutuk oleh Rothbart
dimana Odette dan angsa-angsa putih lainnya hidup menjadi angsa waktu siang dan hanya bisa kembali menjadi manusia pada
waktu malam bila mereka kembali ke danau dekat istana Rothbart. Adapun, kutukan Rothbart hanya bisa dipatahkan dengan
cinta sejati
Pada suatu hari, Prince Siegfried bertemu Odette ketika sedang berburu dan tersesat. Sang Pangeran jatuh
cinta pada pandangan pertama
dan bertekad untuk mematahkan kutukan Rothbart dengan bersumpah tapi dihalau oleh Rothbart.
Pada hari perayaan pemilihan calon istri untuk Prince Siegfried, Odile muncul bersama Rothbart yang bermaksud menggagalkan
sumpah Siegfried ke Odette. Odille sendiri adalah anak Rothbart, sang penyihir, yang menyamar menjadi Odette. Kemiripan
Odile dengan Odette dan kemampuan Odile menarik perhatian Siegfried di pesta itu membuat Siegfried bersumpah akan
mencintai Odile selamanya. Odette yang datang kemudian dan menyaksikan hal tersebut lari kembali ke danau dan dikejar
Siegfried yang terlambat menyadari dirinya tertipu oleh Odile. Siegfried kemudian dimaafkan oleh Odette dan muncullah
Rothbart. Rothbart menuntut sumpah Siegfried dengan anaknya, tapi
Siegfried menolak dan bersumpah mati bersama Odette. Rothbart murka
dan Siegfried pun melawannya
dan berhasil menghalau Rothbart. Siegfried dan Odile kemudian bunuh diri dengan menenggelamkan
diri mereka ke danau. Angsa-angsa lain yang berada disitu semuanya terlepas dari kutukan Rothbart dan kembali ke bentuk
Written by: Lili Wednesday, 10 December 2003
I got this quiz from Firda's Blogg. Click on Brain Persuasion Test Here. Here is my results:
Your Brain Usage Profile
Auditory : 62%
Visual : 37%
Left : 68%
Right : 31%
Lili, you are mildly left-hemisphere dominant while showing a slight preference for auditory processing. This overall combination seems to indicate a well-working blend of logic and judgment and organization, with sufficient intuition, perception and creativity to balance that dominance.
You will at times experience conflict between how you feel and what you think which will generally be resolved in favor of what you think. You will find yourself interested in the practical applications of whatever material you have learned or whatever situation you face and will retain the ability to refine whatever knowledge you possess or aspects of whatever position you are in.
By and large, you will orient yourself toward intellectual activities and structure. Though not rigid, you will schedule yourself, plan, and focus on routine and continuity of operations, rather than on changes and disruptions.
When changes or disruptions occur, you are likely to consider first how to ensure that such disruptions do The same balance is reflected in your sensory preference. You will tend to be reflective and measured in your interaction style. For the most part, you will be considered objective without being cold and goal-oriented while retaining the capacity to listen to others.
Preferentially you learn by listening and maintaining significant internal dialogues with yourself. Nevertheless, you have sufficient visualization capabilities to benefit from using graphs, charts, doodles, or even body movement to enhance your comprehension and memory.
To the extent that you are even implicitly aware of your hemispheric dominance and sensory style, you will feel most comfortable in those arenas which emphasize verbal skills and logic. Teaching, law, and science are those that stand out among the professions, along with technical sales and management.
Is that correct? Maybe. I am always asking myself again and again
when it comes to a problem. People tend to think that I
look like a closed door
Actually it was because I tend to solve it by myself and I don't like the idea of depend to other people. However, I must
admit that sometime I need someone to listen to what I have in my heart. I have some close friends
who are always ready to lend their ear
to me. What a friend for ? Thanks God I have them
and thanks God because You gave them to me
. Also, Thanks God and thanks to you because are visiting my blogg
Written by: Lili Monday, 8 December 2003
Waktu aku coba script buat ilangin banner iklan tripod dari Nis,
mulai awal bulan November, it work well. However, recently beberapa orang bilang kalo mereka sulit mengakses ke blogg ini
Jadi aku hapus script-nya dan biarin aja iklan tripod muncul di top and bottom blogg. Moga-moga hal ini ngga mengganggu kalian
yang mengunjungi blogg ini.
Saat ini aku lagi belajar HTML standard dari W3 Schools. Site ini
mengajarkan tentang HTML dan XHTML standard yang sekarang mulai diterapkan di mana-mana seperti di
ESPN Sport.
Aku dapat site W3 Schools ini dari si William.
Dia ini suka sekali dengan CSS sytle dan XHTML. Coba deh kunjungin blogg dia dan liat2. Blogg dia ini dibikin berdasarkan
standard XHTML yang strict. Walaupun aku belum ngerti tentang CSS dan XHTML, boleh dibilang yang William bicarakan ini menarik.
Tentang bagaimana caranya agar web kalian-kalian bisa mudah di akses dari browser mana-mana (termasuk dari HP
PDA, dan kulkas) dan agar tampilannya ngga berantakan karena dibuat menurut standard yang strict.
Oh ya, blogg si Thomas
ini juga dibikin nurut standard. Coba kunjungi blogg si Firda, it is cool
Written by: Lili Saturday, 6 December 2003
I got this lyric of "Born To Try", a Delta Goodrem song, from a friend. This song seems answered what I was searching deep inside my heart. This morning my mind was blurred. I was regretting what happened three days ago and in the same time also was thinking about my future. This month, December, just started, but it really taking me to somewhere I've never been before. It's not about a place but about myself. I have to admit that I'm not usually open myself to people I haven't meet or seen in real. Thanks to you all bloggerians and my chat friends. I'm not going to regret it now, 'cos I have decided to be what I should be, myself. I'll try to open myself little by little. I'll also try to achieve my goal that I dreamed when I was in my final year in high school. I'll try because I was born to try. For now, I want to listen to this song again and again...
"Born To Try"
Doing everything that I believe in Going by the rules that I've been taught More understanding of what's around me And protected from the walls of love All that you see is me And all I truly believe That I was born to try I've learned to love Be understanding And believe in life But you've got to make choices Be wrong or right Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like But I was born to try No point in talking what you should have been And regretting the things that went on Life's full of mistakes, destinies and fate Remove the clouds look at the bigger picture And all that you see is me And all I truly believe That I was born to try I've learned to love Be understanding And believe in life But you've got to make choices Be wrong or right Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like But I was born to try All that you see is me All I truly believe All that you see is me And all I truly believe That I was born to try I've learned to love Be understanding And believe in life But you've got to make choices Be wrong or right Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like But I was born to try But you've got to make choices Be wrong or right Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like But I was born to try
Written by: Lili Thursday, 4 December 2003
I Got My PR ! I got a call from my immigration agent this morning, waktu sedang menatap logo disebelah kiri ini, di blogg Adjie. My agent said that I got my Permanent Residency Visa. It was approved on 1 December 2003. Wooow... one of my Christmas Wishes
comes true. Actually, dari bulan November aku ungkapin sama temen chat kalo aku ada 2 christmas wishes. Soalnya waktu itu aku masi bingung soal PR yang belum keluar-keluar. Dia bilang tenang aja, PR akan segera keluar dan bergurau dengan bilang kalau aku bakal dapet 3 wishes aku. Actually, ada satu lagi wish yang aku pikirin saat itu, tapi buat sementara aku pikir
2 wishes are enough considering my situation, so aku ngga bilang ke dia. Sebenarnya dalem hati aku pingin tiga-tiganya terwujud. So, today aku ketemu sama agen dan ambil surat terakhir imigrasi yang mengatakan kalo PR aku sudah di approved. Praise God...!
Written by: Lili Wednesday, 3 December 2003
I got my Learner ("L") Driver License today after passed the theoritical exam
. It was quite easy because RTA (Road and Traffic Authority) gives everyone opportunities to take the demo test online and it got the same questions, multiple choices and answer. When I was there, the staffs were quite helpful
. I was served by an older woman. She was quite kind and helpful. I finished the 45 multiple choices in 10 minutes because the demo and the the test are similar. I got all questions answered and it was 100% correct.. hurrraahh...
I spend just one hour less in RTA office to get the test and my new L Driver License. Wow.. what a service ! After that I have to pay for a Learner Driver Log Book to record my driver experiences. I need a minimum 50 hours drive experience in 6 months. It must be 6 months before taking a DART (Driving Ability Road Test) to obtain a red P (Provisional) Driver License. Why I need all of this test? Because I don't have an Indonesian class "A" driver license for car. I have an Indonesian class "C" driver license, that's for motorbike. Eh.... Kenapa yah temen-temen aku yang di Wollongong ngga percaya waktu aku bilang aku biasa bawa sepeda motor di Indo? How come they said that it's dangerous?
Written by: Lili Tuesday, 2 December 2003