I Will Survive

This week I tried to help four friends and it exhausted myself . I was trying to spare my time for myself and my friends, I know I need to think back. I want to share two story about my two friends for you, hope it may bring a good thing in you all.
The first one, ada teman yang selalu looking into his past. Dia mikirin kokonya yang telah meninggal 3-4 tahun yang lalu. Yang menjengkelkan adalah dia selalu melihat ke belakang dan mencari someone to blamed . Dia menyalahkan suster-suster dan dokter-dokter di RS yang katanya ngga jaga kokonya baik-baik sehingga sehabis operasi, kokonya meninggal karena infeksi. Dia selalu kepingin ketemu kokonya terus-menerus. Aku kasi dia example dari pengalaman aku sendiri soal survive, supaya dia mikir dan ngga liat kebelakang terus. Aku kasi contoh survive lain tentang diriku dari sejak aku kecil sampai sekarang ini. I learned a lot from my weakness and try to overcome my own problems . There were some people who are helping my on my way to overcome this all. That's how I survive, knowing that I am exist and they care about me. I can't look down because I received a lot of love and support from them. However, what is in his mind ? He simply blamed someone from my past who makes I suffer. I really want to give a knock of sense to this guy, "Hey don't you see how I survive ?"
I think the most important is how do you make yourself go through this all and looking forward. Chin up, look up or whatever, but never look back or behind . That's the past, and nothing gonna change it. What I can do is do my best today and believe in myself to look toward the future. If you read my old blogg entry, Andy Lau, too have his own principle to overcome sadness of losing two close friends. Andy will instead use the force to love all those around him. He will treasure every moment of life.
Hope this guy will realise that he need to go through this all to become a more confident and a stronger person.

Yang kedua, temen cewe ini, sebut saja namanya Ching, bukan orang indo. Dia orangnya kecil mungil tapi bener-bener stubborn, suka ngotot dan ngga pernah mau ngomong 'sorry' atau 'thank you'. Biarpun dia salah bicara tetap saja dia ngga mau ngaku dan milih diem saja. Aku kenal dia sudah kira-kira 4 tahun yang lalu, dia teman sekelas dari tahun pertama dan kedua aku di kampus. Di kelas dia suka ngotot sama aku dan bila dosennya membenarkan aku, dia milih duduk diem membisu tanpa mau menerima pendapat. Nah, kejadian yang membuat aku sempat bete baru-baru ini sudah terjadi beberapa bulan sewaktu aku main ke rumah teman, sebut saja namanya Maria, di kota kampus aku. Waktu itu aku sedang membaca SMS di HP, si Ching ngajak aku bicara, karena aku sedang membalas SMS nyokap, dia cemberut lalu menyebut kata-kata yang benar-benar menyinggung aku (tapi aku ngga denger waktu itu). Si Maria yang berada di dekat situ lantas marah dan negur Ching, tapi Ching membalas dengan mengatakan "That's the fact." Maria langsung menyemprot Ching dengan mengatakan "You're very mean." dan mereka marah-marahan. Aku yang sadar ada situasi yang ngga enak tentu saja bengong liat mereka berdua. Setelah Ching pulang, Maria ceritakan semuanya ke aku. Yang ada di pikiran aku waktu itu, why Ching seems never understand myself ? What have I done ? Did I really deserve that ? Why she couldn't be patient enough to wait for me, so I can give my time to her later if she wants me to listen to her ?

I still say 'Hi" whenever I see her . Then last month she called me to meet up again, she needed a friend to accompany her, what I said is 'Yes", just yes. Then again she showed her stubborn side during the journey. Thinking this back, I though I have to decide when I want to angry, but I couldn't. I always thinking of other person's feeling. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't know why I always consider other people. I was in a bad mood, thinking there was something wrong with myself. I told this story to two friends, one of them said "Tiap orang ada tingkat kesabaran yang berbeda. Pada tingkat kedewasaan tertentu orang cenderung sabar, ngga ada yang salah dengan dirimu. Kamu tambah dewasa." Then, I realised that I can control my emotion and that's a good thing. Nothing wrong with myself. Thanks Sis, you have open my mind

Written by: Lili       Friday, 30 January 2004

Nge-DJ di Radio Winamp & Public Speaking

Wah jadi ngga bisa sembunyi-sembunyi lagi . Udah ketahuan gara-gara si Kriz nge-tag n bilang yang lagi doyan nge-DJ dan soal suara medok . Plus si Melani juga nulis di blogg dia lengkap dengan alamat radionya. Oke deh, buat yang mau dengerin alamat radionya: http://radionet.indoserver.org:8001. Iyah ceritanya gini, sekitar 1-2 minggu yang lalu aku ditawarin coba-coba jadi DJ, pertamanya aku bilang kalo ngga banyak koleksi lagu mp3. Tapi setelah mikir-mikir jadi pengin coba-coba, mumpung radio-nya baru dan listeners masi sedikit. Selain itu aku bener-bener ngga pinter cuap-cuap, jadi cuma pasang mp3 secara random n penuhin permintaan listener yg minta lagu sedapat mungkin. Tapi listeners terus memaksa untuk ngomong, jadi deh aku coba-coba ngomong. Pertama-tama nervous terus setelah beberapa hari bisa juga rileks. Ternyata dengan jadi DJ bisa kenal banyak orang dan kemudian aku baru sadar mereka benar-benar mendukung. Pendengar-pendengar itu juga sering kasi kirim lagu-lagu yang aku ngga ada dan belum pernah dengar. Koleksi musik aku benar-benar berubah, dari sebelumnya hanya kenal lagu-lagu lama (sekitar 300 MB), sekarang jadi banyak lagu dari rap, hip hop, heavy metal, pop, acapella, trance, techno, dan lagu-lagu oldies lain. Total mp3 koleksi aku jadi 4 GB berisi kira-kira 1,000+ lagu. The most important lesson yang aku dapat dari semua ini adalah more confidence in public speaking .
Know what ? "Public speaking ranked second - behind snakes - in a recent Gallup poll of our greatest fears." kata artikel di Australian Reader's Digest. Mendingan deh daripada poll yang dulu pernah hasilnya Public Speaking number one greatest fear, nah number two-nya itu death. Trus oleh comedian dibikin guyonan, dia bilang "So, people would rather sleep in the coffin rather than giving an eulogy?"

Ada tip-tip buat Public Speaking yang akan aku post kemudian deh. Buat pendengar radionya thanks a lot yah sudah dengarin lagunya dan kasi masukan lagu-lagu dan cara-cara siaran. Two thumbs up for you...

Written by: Lili       Tuesday, 27 January 2004

Negative Picture

Iseng-iseng bikin versi negatif foto pas new year eve. Ini di daerah St.James ke arah Circular Quay. Waktunya sekitar jam 7:30 - 8.00 pm. Yupe, di foto aslinya masi terang karena mataharinya terbenam jam 8 pm. Orang-orang yang jalan itu semuanya ke arah Circular Quay, karena disitulah perayaan besar-besarannya. Fireworknya di pasang di Sydney Harbour Bridge dan dekat Opera House.

Written by: Lili       Sunday, 25 January 2004

Andy Lau News

Bintang film Hong Kong favorit aku sepanjang masa, sedari waktu aku masi di SD, adalah Andy Lau. Baru-baru ini aku temukan suatu website yang memuat berita-berita seputar Andy Lau dari bahasa mandarin dari beberapa Chinese newspapers ke bahasa Inggris. Langsung aku cari-cari berita seputar Anita Mui, karena seorang chatter bilang Andy ngga menunjukkan muka sedih ke wartawan di pemakaman Anita Mui. Ternyata chatter tersebut salah besaaarrrr...
Andy mendampingi Anita Mui di detik-detik akhir hidupnya dan bahkan memegang tangannya dan menghiburnya. Andy yang semula meminta Anita bertahan karena teman-temannya Anita belum tiba untuk mengucapkan selamat jalan akhirnya bilang ke Anita "Go with peace" sewaktu dia melihat Anita berusaha keras bertahan dalam kesakitannya.Selama Anita diterapi untuk penyakit cancernya, Andy lah yang memberi banyak support. Sewaktu Anita bilang ke Andy bahwa dia mau give up karena takut dengan rasa sakit selama terapi, Andy scolded her dan called her every night to remind her to take her medicines. Juga sewaktu Anita diganggu paparazzi selama terapi, Andy meminjamkan mobilnya buat dipakai Anita untuk jalan-jalan dan berobat ke hospital.
So far, I know Andy is a hard worker, always be punctual, loyal to his friends, always smile and friendly to his fans. Moreover, he does many charities work and value children education. I got the reason why Andy showed a calm face in Anita Mui funeral from the website:

Despite his grief from the loss of a good friend, Andy appears strong. He continues to work. With the beginning of a new year, he has decided to face it cheerfully. He said thoughtfully, "Man should not put the incidence before the fundamental."
He believes Anita in heaven would not like to see her friends feeling sad for her. Since he (Andy) has the force to cry for her, the force to argue, he will instead use the force to love all those around him. He will treasure every moment of life.

Beside it, Andy already know Anita for a long time, he know that Anita didn't like to make her friend worried about herself. That's why Anita Mui showed a strong face and promise that she won't lose in the battle with the cancer, but behind it Anita really scared and confused. One of her friends who she can trust and share is Andy, because Leslie Cheung already passed away.
Here is a quote that I got from the same website, I like it:

You cannot decide the length of a life, but you can control its width. You cannot control the weather, but you can change your state of mind. You cannot predict tomorrow, but you can make use of today. You cannot win in everything, but you can try your best in everything.

Reading all of those news makes me really respect and like Andy more and more. However, like what he wrote in his song "Nan Ren Ku Ba Bu Shi Zui", I know that there were several time he cried a lot behind this all. He cried in his concert in Shanghai on 1 January 2004 after he sang "Moon Represent My Heart" for Anita Mui and in some concerts when he sang "Silly Child" for his close friend, Blacky Koo. Go Andy! I am still and will always be your fans. Gong Xi, Xin Nian Kuai Le Andy.

Written by: Lili       Saturday, 24 January 2004

Gong Xi Fa Chai,
Xin Nian Kuai Le



Click to enlarge the picture

Written by: Lili       Tuesday, 20 January 2004

Roadside Assistance and Silly Question

No this is not about driving lesson, this Right Turn is about Jesus and some answered questions. What attracted me is the answered questions and here the last quote No question is too silly, so ask away.

This quote made me remember the conversation between me and my close friend. Just called her Lisa. Lisa said that when she was a teenager, she always got shy hearing her dad asked a silly question to her dad's friends or to her friend's parent. When she confronted about those silly questions, her dad said "Is it wrong to ask something that I didn't know at all?" and her dad never give up that habit. So the time goes on and now her dad's knowledge gotten improved and he know many things more than her friend's parent. Later she admit that she is proud because her dad didn't give up that silly questions after she confronted him. She now know that it is a good habit, a silly question doesn't mean that her dad is stupid or un-educated man, but that mean her dad trying to get information and learn something new. Have you ever hold any question just because you think it is a silly question? Unworthed question? Now, try to keep it as a good habit, never be afraid to ask any question as long as the information that you're trying to get is something that will improve your knowledge. Drive forward and look as far as you can go....

Written by: Lili       Tuesday, 20 January 2004

Third Driving Lesson

Why it was hard to change the indicator while you are holding the steering wheel? Today lesson was very hard. I have to turned right or go straight at the round about. I have to do the MISS and then just before leaving the round about, I had to turn on the left indicator while push or pull the steering wheel. The left indicator told the other driver that I am leaving the round about. Sometime when the instructor told me to turn right, I can not managed the steering wheel so I go straight instead or my right turn was not perfect. I guess my confidence was not good enough, till the instructor give me more 10 minutes longer to practice and I successfully managed the right turn at the round about. Drove 29 km.

Written by: Lili       Friday, 16 January 2004

Second Driving Lesson

My confidence was getting better by the end of the lesson. The instructor told me that everytime I want to take over, turn left or right, and leaving the kerb, I have to do MISS:

I have to remind my self that I am ABLE to control the car very well. It was scary because I was used by being a pedestrian and now I have to get used by being a driver of a vehicle that go faster 10 times ???

Written by: Lili       Tuesday, 13 January 2004

Memory Loader

I got this site Memory Loader. Try the game and here is the important thing about our memory:
"The more interesting, funny, bizarre or vital a piece of information, the more likely you are to remember it. Memories which are emotionally significant will last a lifetime."

Written by: Lili       Monday, 12 January 2004

First Driving Lesson

Sabtu kemarin dimulai pelajaran setir pakai automatic car. Nah waktu si instructor datang, dia bilang "Welcome, please come inside." Lalu dia keluar dan duduk di sebelah kiri, gue jadi bengong loh ini langsung praktek setir yah... wah ga PD gini, mana pernah gue setir mobil di jalan-jalan aussie pake mobil otomatis. Nah di dalam mobil dia nanya Log Book yang bakal aku bawa-bawa setiap kali nyetir buat record 50 jam belajar nyetir buat dicatat berapa jam setirnya dan berapa kilometer yg dicapai. Setelah aku tunjukkan L driving license dan Log Book, mulailah pelajarannya. Instructor memberi tahu mana rem, gas dan suru aku masuk ke gear D buat mulai start driving. Begitu mobil maju langsung yang kebayang di pikiran aku adalah gimana cara belokin mobil ini, karena dari rumah ke arah timur itu pertigaan yang berarti mau ngga mau harus belok kiri atau kanan. Akhirnya bisa belok kanan dan karena kecepatan aku masi 25 km/jam, si instructor minta go faster and faster. In the end of the day, yang aku pelajari:

Written by: Lili       Sunday, 11 January 2004

Kate and Leopold

I watched Kate and Leopold DVD movie yesterday. Click on the picture to enlarge it. This picture is from the ending of the movie. The movie has a sweet ending for Kate and Leopold. I like the this part of dialogues between Kate and Leopold:

Kate: People might think I'm brave, but I'm not."
Leopold: "The brave are simply those with the clearest vision of what is before them - glory and danger alike and notwithstanding, go out to meet it."

This is the another funny dialogues part in Leopold's first day out in New York 2001. This happens when Leopold rejected the order from a policewoman to take the dog poop and throw it into the bin:

Leopold: "Are you suggesting that there exists a law compelling gentlemen to lay hold of canine bowel movents?"
The policewoman's face was very amusingly funny, this makes me laugh hard
Policewoman: "I'm suggesting you pick the poop up now!"

Written by: Lili       Friday, 9 January 2004

Foto-foto Harry

Here are several pictures of Harry, my cousins' dog, isn't he sweet? Yup, if only his bark not so loud and hurt my ears . To view the pictures please click on those links below:

Written by: Lili       Thursday, 8 January 2004

I watched this movie with my friend. The movie was hilarious. Some scenes were sweet, sad, funny, merry and were full of chrismast jolly. The stories started 6 weeks before Christmas Eve and revolved around 9 couples who were in love plus a story of a rocker and his producer. A story of a widowed father's love to his stepson who was barely known to him also was featured in this movie. Here the list of the 9 couples :

My favourite part was when Mark decided to declare his love to his bestfriend's wife to clear up the problem between them. Juliet and her husband think that Mark hates Juliet because Mark always make a distance with Juliet. Mark blurted out what was in his heart several days before Christmas Eve, the fact that he was in love with Juliet, when Juliet realised it from the her wedding video that was recorded by Mark. Mark then decided to admit and say goodbye to his love for Juliet on Christmas Eve. Mark went to Juliet's home, brought several big white cards and a tape, here are the dialogues:
Juliet (open the door and see Mark): "Oh, hello!"
Mark (mimes "Shhh.") and Juliet also copy his mime . Mark had written some words on the white big cards . The first one read "SAY IT IS A CAROL SINGER."
Peter (Juliet's husband who was upstair): "Who is it ?"
Juliet: "It's a carol singer."
Mark bend and put the tape down on the floor then play the tape of carol singers singing silent night. Then he showed Juliet the cards one by one:
A card showing pictures of the five most beautiful women in the world
A card showing a picture of a mummy
Mark give Juliet a thumb up then he turn away with the tape, Juliet then suddenly run and tap Mark on his shoulder and gently kiss him on the lips. They are smiling then Juliet run back to home while Mark walk away.
Mark: "Enough. Enough now."

Written by: Lili       Friday, 2 January 2004

Happy New Year

Happy New Year To You All

I got this picture of the Sydney New Year Firework 2004 from Australian News Website.

May the coming year brings lots of happy moments and a better future. Wish the best for you all.

Written by: Lili       Thursday, 1 January 2004