
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
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Written by: Lili       Wednesday, 30 June 2004

Ini cerita waktu kantor ngadain acara morning tea untuk melepas salah satu colleague yang pensiun. Karena banyaknya karyawan baru, maka kesempatan ini dipakai oleh sang manager buat saling kenalan . Pertama-tama si manager menanyakan asal teman sekerja (dari negara mana, apa yang dilakukan sebelum mulai kerja disitu) dan ditanyakan juga ke teman-teman yang berasal dari China, berapa jumlah penduduk rata-rata di kota mereka. Nah rata-rata menjawab puluhan juta, Sisilia yang dari Tonga menjawab sejumlah ratusan ribu, yang asli Sydney menjawab sekitar 5 juta. Nah si Sisilia seperti biasanya menoleh ke aku setelah menjawab jumlah poenduduk Tonga, lalu berbisik , "That's because we, Tonga, don't have too much sex". Supervisor Fiji yang berada di dekatku yang mendengarkan langsung berkomentar, "Hey, how could you say that to her (maksudnya aku), she's still young", lalu dia berbisik ke aku, "Have u ever do that? ". Untuk menghindari pertanyaan dengan topik semacam ini, aku bergurau, "Well, don't talk about that, I'm still under-age, you know." Mereka berdua tertawa kecil.

Tapi candaan aku dibalikkan ke aku pas si manager menanyakan soal my last education, sebelum aku menjawab, si supervisor Fiji langsung menjawab,"She's still in high school." Tentu saja manager aku yang mengetahui umurku melihat aku dengan heran dan berkata, "That's can't be, she is 20++ years old." Supervisor Fiji berkata, "She just told me that she is still under-age." Langsung deh, si manager dan semua teman-teman sekantor tertawa walaupun mereka ngga mengerti kenapa aku bilang aku masi under-age .

Written by: Lili       Wednesday, 30 June 2004

You don't need antibiotics for flu!
Most common colds are caused by viruses, not by bacteria. Antibiotics are medicines to treat bacteria not viruses. Here are the facts that I got from a website :

Clinical trials have not always found the following treatments to be helpful:

  • Vitamin C may have a small effect on how long the symptoms last but it does not prevent a cold.
  • Zinc lozenges may reduce symptoms if taken early but do not prevent a cold.
  • Echinacea products vary in their effect. Generally most have been shown not to be effective in preventing colds or reducing symptoms.
  • Saline nasal sprays could help clear mucus.

Why did I write about this all? "Cos I caught a cold *sigh*, the doctor ordered me to have a rest for 4 days !!! The doctor didn't give me any antibiotic (I told him I don't want it). I was thinking what a boring thing to do, sleeping and doing nothing for 4 days? What can I do? On the 1st and 2nd day I was sleeping a lot 'cos of my fever and those yellow mucus *yuck*...

On the third day, I peeled a "bengkoang" or screw pine (kata jessie),  ate some slices and reading a book, hey it's Max Lucado, my favourite story-teller. I'll write some for you in this blogg.

Written by: Lili       Saturday, 19 June 2004

Salah satu teman sekerjaku berasal dari Tonga, namanya Sisilia. Pertama-tama kenal dia kesan yang diberikan itu dia itu orangnya tegas, galak dan jarang tersenyum. Biasanya aku menyapa dia dengan "Hai.." saja. Suatu hari dia bawa foto-fotonya pas di acara pernikahan teman Tonga-nya. Di foto dilihatkan dia yang sendirian, jadi aku iseng-iseng nanya ke dia, siapa yangs sering dia telpon tiap hari pas jam lunch. Dengan mimik muka lucu dia bilang "Boyfriend." Jadilah kalo dia mau telpon aku godain sedikit-sedikit, lama-lama dia balas godain, katanya mau kenalkan aku dengan boyfriend dia dan teman2 cowo Tonga-nya buat dijodohkan. Makin hari topik 'boyfriend' dan Tonga makin lancar, jadi kita semakin dekat. Waktu aku tanyain ke dia dimana itu Tonga (karena aku emang ngga tahu dimana itu Tonga), dia bilang di atas, di lantai 4 tempat dia kerja, jadi pas naik lift bareng dia, aku harus ke lantai 7 dan dia turun di lantai 4. Spontan muncul ide iseng godain dia, aku teriak, "Oh! Here we are, Tonga island." Dia berbalik melotot gaya bercanda dan teriak balas, "Shut your mouth up!" .

Setelah beberapa hari bercanda-canda, dia tiba-tiba bicara serius pas jam lunch di staff room. Katanya, "Actually I am already married. I have a husband and kids. The one I call everyday is my sister." Lalu tiba-tiba dia balik ke gayanya dan bilang,"Do you still want to know who my boyfriend is?", secara spontan aku ngomong, "You already married, that's not a boyfriend anymore, that's an affair." Spontan staffs yang ada di ruangan itu semua tertawa, realized what I have said, I laughed hard together with Sislia .

Written by: Lili       Wednesday, 16 June 2004

Street Performer
Tahu pengamen? Jangan salah sangka, para pengamen alias street performer di Sydney ini pada kreatif dan ngga asal jreng jreng mainin gitar . Ada beberapa street performer yang pakai ide seperti gambar di kiri ini, tubuhnya di cat keemasan atau perak lalu berdiri diam kaku dan kalau ada orang memperhatikan dia, tiba2 saja dia bergerak ngagetin pengunjung atau kadang iseng kedip-kedipin pengunjung. Biasanya kita menyumbang gratis kalau mau ambil foto bersama mereka. Lainnya ada yang pakai baju Charlie Chaplin dan bikin pertunjukan gaya Charlie dengan menarik salah satu pengunjung sukarela, atau ada yang pakai acara juggling bola, ada juga aborigin yang mengamen lengkap dengan didgeridoo (alat musik tradisional mereka) ada pula yang menari-nari coroborree. Kata orang yang pernah jadi street performer, 1/2 hari mengamen di tempat rame kaya Circular Quay atau Darling Harbour pas weekend bisa dapetin uang seratus dollar lebih . Tapi yah ini tergantung pada kreativitas masing-masing performer.

Nah saya mau cerita kejadian hari ini, sehabis dari Fish Market (iseng-iseng cobain half-lobster mornay disana), aku telpon teman, si Yvonne. Ternyata dia dan hubby plus si kecil Pheebe lagi jalan-jalan di Darling Harbour, jadi aku putuskan langsung ke Darling Harbour. Ternyata di sana lagi ada Festival Jazz, Blues and Funk, free lagi konsernya. Darling Harbour jadi penuh dengan suara musik-musik. Pas jalan dari Tram stop ke Imax Theatre, aku melewati seorang street performer, otomatis aku denger suara dia dari speaker-nya. Pertama yang aku tangkap suara dia manggil-manggil audiences, "Come on, I am going to start now..." eh kayanya ga ada tanggapan selain orang-orang lalu-lalang melewati dia sambil melihat dia sekilas (aku masi jalan di dekat dia), habis perhatian orang-orang kan ke band Jazz yang saat itu mentas di Amphitheatre di atas Cockle Bay. Lalu dia berkata dengan nada bergurau, "Okay, I understand now..." sambil membuat gesture dengan tangan direntangkan kaya give up, langsung meledak ketawaku dan orang-orang di sekitarnya yang melewati dia . Setelah ketemu temanku dan ngobrol-ngobrol kita berjalan ke arah Harbourside Mall dan melewati si street performer, eh ternyata dia sudah dibanjiri audiences dan sedang memainkan keahliannya.

Written by: Lili       Sunday, 13 June 2004

Hamster Meal
Char Ham Bau Speaking Duck & Hoisin Hamster Pancakes Plain Rice Ice Lemon Tea
Only 800 yen!
Get your own at Hamstar's Noodlebar!

Written by: Lili       Thursday, 10 June 2004

Humor Ronald Reagan
Sehabis baca-baca koran, baru tahu kalo mantan presiden amrik yg barusan passed away, Ronald Reagan, ternyata orang yang humoris, ini humor2 dia semasa hidupnya:
  • To surgeons as he entered the operating room after an assassination attempt, March 30, 1981:
    "I hope you’re all Republicans."
  • To Nancy Reagan, once she arrived at the hospital: "Honey, I forgot to duck."
  • "I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency — even if I'm in a Cabinet meeting."
  • "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
  • "We are trying to get unemployment to go up, and I think we're going to succeed."
  • "One of my favorite quotations about age comes from Thomas Jefferson. He said that we should never judge a president by his age, only by his work. And ever since he told me that, I've stopped worrying," he said once. "And just to show you how youthful I am, I intend to campaign in all 13 states."
  • Speech near the Berlin Wall, 1987: "Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
  • "A commissar in the Soviet Union went out to one of those state collective farms, grabbed the first worker he came to and said, 'Comrade, how are the crops?'
    "'Oh,' he said, 'Comrade Commissar, if we could put the potatoes in one pile, they would reach the foot of God,'" Mr. Reagan continued, "and the commissar said, 'This is the Soviet Union. There is no God.' and he said, 'That's all right, there are no potatoes.'"

In his high school yearbook, Ronald Reagan wrote the following, quote, "Life is just one grand sweet song, so start the music." His life, his journey, distinctly American, took him from a small apartment above a bank, where his parents lived in Tempico, Illinois, to Hollywood, and to the corridors of power. Until the end, until his long, sad journey into the sunset of his life, Ronald Reagan never stopped believing life was a grand, sweet song.

Source: from several news websites

Written by: Lili       Wednesday, 9 June 2004

Vibby EXIT Magazine

A friend asked me to promote this tabloid in my blogg, it is an Exhibition and Infotainment Tabloid, and it's FREE. So what are you waiting for?

The Vibby EXIT tabloid is available in Olala Cafe, Gloria Jeans Cafe, Plaza Ex, and Plaza Semanggi.

For advertisement please contact their office in (021) 5672194 or email Vibby EXIT.


Written by: Lili       Tuesday, 1 June 2004

1 June 2004
I promised to Yuliana to write the stories about me cooking the egg for breakfast when I was working as a chef for display cooking in the Athlete's Dining Hall in the Olympic Village during Sydney Olympic 2000. Okay, here is some stories:

It was the first day of the work, 3 September 2000, I came to the a station near Olympic Park by train using my Pass (for free train for every worker and volunteer) and then was transferred to bus to go to the Olympic Park. In the Spotless Services' Office, I met a man who gave me a chef uniform. Flabbergasted, I said to the man that I couldn't cook Australian meals, so I thought that there was something wrong about the uniform. He said that he was sure about that because it was written on the computer that my job was to do display cooking. I insisted that it was wrong, so he gave me the kitchen hand uniform. In the Dining Hall, I was asked by one of the chef why I wear the wrong uniform, he told me to change it, whoaa... . The man in the office just smiled understandably when he handed me the chef uniform. He told me how to put the round button 'cos he know that I never work as a cook before . The button designed as a round seed button and stand out from the uniform in case that if the chef caught a fire, the chef will be able to release the uniform quickly just by tear the uniform. After a day in chinese kitchen, two weeks in pizza and pasta kitchen, I was transferred into the breakfast, grill and frying kitchen.

Here in this kitchen, I was cooking eggs for breakfast. I used some steel rings (see right picture) to form a flat-round-half-cooked-egg. If you want to be creative and romantic, you can use a heart-shaped-egg-ring (left-picture) for your husband . There are many form of the egg rings. Back to the egg-cooking story, at 7 pm in the morning I have to started cook the egg together with another chef, There were about 20++ dozens of fresh egg to be cooked, each time I started cooking, I used 20-25 egg  rings. The cooking plate is flat like what the chef used in MacDonald.

Do you know that McDonald in Australia is campaigning about their breakfast? They are using slogan to promote their freshness: "Our egg are cracked open just before cooked". That slogan makes me wondering, didn't every chef do the same thing? Crack the egg to open it, then pour it into the ring, that just before cooked, because there is no point to lose time and pour the egg into a plate then keep it until the time to cook the egg. So, that slogan is just one of the McDonald's strategies to attract their customer.

Written by: Lili       Tuesday, 1 June 2004

15 May 2004

    to my big brother !!!

The funniest of our gathering (all of us) that I could remember was when you tried to fill every water containers in the house, you was filling everything (from cooking water in kettle, fill the bottles of water in the refrigerator), including filling the empty kettle to cook another water that you was forgetting, then you left to your room. Mom was surprised to find the floor was flooded with water that coming out from the water filter into the full loaded kettle . Then we all had to mop the floor because the house maids were going home for 'Lebaran'.

The recent funny things around you this year is everytime I have to listen (again and again) to your topic about "her" . Sometime I was wondering, "Is this what happened to a man who is falling in love?" . My brother become a fan of quotes from a cartoon serial,  "The Condor Heroes", likes lyric of 'Per Te' song from Josh Groban. For you who want to look for the song, I tell you, this song is in Latin and a kind of very slow easy listening song. Here is the lyric and translation for all of you:

Per Te by Josh Groban

Sento nell'aria il profume di te
Kurasakan di udara wangimu

Piccoli sogni vissuti con me
Mimpi-mimpi kecil yang terhayati denganku

Ora lo so
Kini kutahu

Non voglio perderti
Tak mau aku kehilangan kau

Quella dolcezza cosi senza etá
Manis seperti itu tak pernah terlanda usia

La tua bellezza rivali non ha
Kecantikanmu tiada tandingannya

Il cuore mio vuole soltanto te
Hanyalah kau, hatiku mendamba

Per te, per te vivró
Bagimu, bagimu aku akan hidup

L'amore vincerá
Kasih-sayang akan menang

Con te, con te avró
Denganmu, denganmu akan kupunyai

Mille giorni di felicitá
Seribu hari kebahagiaan

Mille notti di serenitá
Seribu malam kenyamanan

Faró quello che mi chiederai
Akan kubuat apa yang akan kauminta

Andró sempre dovunque tu andrai
Aku akan selalu pergi kemanapun kau akan pergi

Daró tutto l'amore che ho
Akan kuberikan segala cinta yang kupunya

Per te

Dimmi che tu giá il futuro lo sai
Katakan padaku engkaulah masa depan itu, ya, engkau tahu itu

Dimmi che questo non finirá mai
Katakan padaku bahwa ini tak akan pernah berakhir

Senza di te non voglio esistere
Tanpamu tak ingin aku ada

Per te, per te vivró
Bagimu, bagimu aku akan hidup

l'amore vincerá con te,
Kasih-sayang akan menang denganmu

con te avró
Bersamamu akan kupunyai

Mille giorni di felicitá
Seribu hari kebahagiaan

Mille notti di serenitá
Seribu malam kenyamanan

Faró quello che mi chiederai
Kan kubuat apa yang akan kauminta

Andró sempre dovunque tu andrai
Aku akan pergi kemanapun engkau akan pergi

Daró tutto l'amore che ho
Akan kuberikan segenap cinta yang kupunya

Per te

Non devo dirtelo ormai giá lo sai
Tak harus kukatakan padamu hal itu, bagaimanapun kaupun telah tahu

Che morirei senza di te
Bila saja aku mati tanpa engkau

Per te, per te vivró
Bagimu, bagimu aku akan hidup

L'amore vincerá
Kasih-sayang akan menang

Con te, con te avró
Denganmu, denganmu akan kupunyai

Tutto quello che mi chiederai
Segala yang akan kau minta kepadaku

Andró sempre dovunque tu andrai
Aku akan pergi kemanapun kau akan pergi

Daró tutto l'amore che ho per te
Akan kuberikan cinta yang kupunya bagimu

Written by: Lili       Saturday, 15 May 2004

13 May 2004
This date is to commemorate of tragedy 13-15 May 1998 in Indonesia, where a lot of people died and became victim of riots which was ignited by those people under "Orde Baru" governance. I got a story from a friend, here is a story of Indonesian Navy's role in May 1998 who was protected Jakarta from a potential coup tragedy, read the story about, click on the link below:

 Arief Kushariadi

Written by: Lili       Thursday, 13 May 2004